Mikrotik RB/GPOE-CON-HP – 48 to 24V Gigabit PoE CONVERTER

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Mikrotik RB/GPOE-CON-HP – 48 to 24V Gigabit PoE CONVERTER

5 in stock



This device lets you use any 48V PoE source (including Passive PoE, Telecom PoE, 802.3af and 802.3at) to power RouterBOARD devices.

Simply plug any 48V PoE powered ethernet cable into one port, and any 8-30V capable RouterBOARD device into the other. This device is capable to provide high power output – up to 24W (up to 1A at 24V).

You can power it with virtually any 42-57V PoE solutions available on market today (Passive, Telecom, 802.3af and 802.3at PoE plus supported)

The device is a rugged metallic design, with high quality components and integrated heatsink design. The case also has mounting holes so you can attach it to a wall.

Ethernet shield pins are inside the Ethernet connectors, so that shielded ethernet can be used, to ground either at the converter itself, or at the devices at both ends. Supports 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet.

Note: In case if 803.3af compliant PSE is used, total output power should not exceed 12.95w (limited by the 803.3af standard).

Product specifications

Product code RBGPOE-CON-HP
10/100/1000 Ethernet ports 2
Input Voltage 42-57V (Passive, Telecom, 802.3af and 802.3at PoE plus supported)
Max out per port output (input < 30 V) 1 A
Max total out (A) 1 A
Operating Temperature -35C to +70C
Output Voltage 24V 1A
PoE in 802.3af/at
PoE out Passive PoE
Suggested price $24.95

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Additional information

Weight 0.1800 kg
