MikroTik quick MOUNT extra


MikroTik quick MOUNT PRO

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MikroTik quick MOUNT extra

quickMOUNT extra

The quickMOUNT extra is a advanced wall mount adapter for large point to point and sector antennas.

You can mount it on the wall or use it as an adapter from large diameter pole to small size antenna mounting clip ensuring reliable fitment. The quickMOUNT extra gives possibility to turn antenna within 190°.

With the quickMOUNT extra is compatible with our long range eavy antennas like 30dBi parabolic dish mANT 30 or 19dBi sector mANT 19s.

You can use the quickMOUNT extra with any pole mountable device with weight less than 8 Kg

• simple and low cost

• supports mANT, SXT, Omnitik, BaseBox, DynaDish or any other pole mountable device

The adapter is very durable due to it’s special material composite – anvilNITE (TM)



Product code QME

Dimensions 102x135x150 mm

Tube diameter 35 mm

Max tube diameter to which mount

can be attached

70 mm

Maximum antenna weight 8 kg

Maximum wind load 100 N

Turn angle for MikroTik products 190°

Compatible devices Any pole mounted antenna with weight under 8kg

Mounting holes 4 (option to add 2 more)

Operational temperature Range ±40° C

Material anvilNITE™