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BOSCH – Accessories – BME280 – Temperature, humidity and Pressure Sensor

240 in stock




The BME280 is an integrated environmental sensor developed specifically for mobile applications where size and low power consumption are key design constraints. The unit combines individual high linearity, high accuracy sensors for pressure, humidity and temperature in an 8-pin metal-lid 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.93 mm³ LGA package, designed for low current consumption (3.6 μA @1Hz), long term stability and high EMC robustness.


The humidity sensor features an extremely fast response time which supports performance requirements for emerging applications such as context awareness, and high accuracy over a wide temperature range. The pressure sensor is an absolute barometric pressure sensor with features exceptionally high accuracy and resolution at very low noise. The integrated temperature sensor has been optimized for very low noise and high resolution. It is primarily used for temperature compensation of the pressure and humidity sensors, and can also be used for estimating ambient temperature.


The BME280 supports a full suite of operating modes which provides the flexibility to optimize the device for power consumption, resolution and filter performance.”



– Context awareness, e.g. skin detection, room change detection

– Fitness monitoring / well-being

– Warning regarding dryness or high temperatures

– Measurement of volume and air flow

– Home automation control

– Control heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC)

– Internet of things

– GPS enhancement (e.g. time-to-first-fix improvement, dead reckoning, slope detection)

– Indoor navigation (change of floor detection, elevator detection)

– Outdoor navigation, leisure and sports applications

– Weather forecast

– Vertical velocity indication (rise/sink speed)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: BME380 sensor works on 3.3V power supply, if you use it with Arduino set on 5V you will damage this sensor.


  • Operating voltage 3.3V
  • Temperature -40..+85C
  • Humidity 0…100 % Rh
  • Pressure 300…1100 hPa  (+9000m..-500m above sea level)
  • Humidity sensor Response time: 1 s
  • Humidity accuracy  ±3 % Rh
  • Pressure sensor RMS Noise 0.2 Pa, equiv. to 1.7 cm
  • Current consumption 1.8 μA @ 1 Hz humidity and temperature
  • Current consumption 2.8 μA @ 1 Hz pressure and temperature
  • Current consumption 3.6 μA @ 1 Hz humidity, pressure and temperature
  • 0.1 μA in sleep mode
  • dimensions 22 x 35 mm

Additional information

Weight 0.2000 kg


Summersale Week

Week 2